A Writer’s Life

In the last few months, I’ve become fully immersed in what I would call a writer’s life. When I’m not working on my day job or sleeping, I am a writer. I spend about about 12 hours a week listening to podcasts about self-publishing and story structure (on my commute and while I walk the dogs). For another 12 hours a week, I write blog posts, create content for my website and make progress on my two novels. I’ve decided to start a new habit. Every month, I will write a blog post about what I’m learning and how I Read more…

Choose Your Own Fiction Adventure

Have you ever yelled at the screen telling the lead character of a movie not to do something? Have you ever wished that you could advise the director on a better way to end the movie? This is your chance. I’ve started a crowdsourced fiction novel. That means you, the readers, can direct me where you would like go with the story, the characters, etc. How does it work? I will develop the overall book concept, create the main characters and then begin writing scenes. At the end of every scene, I will offer up 2-3 options for readers to choose Read more…

Choose Your Own Adventure 2.0

Over the past year, I’ve been struggling with a problem. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Is my first fiction novel the chicken or the egg? Well, the answer to that question is not as simple as it seems. On one hand, it must be an egg, because it is produced (in this case, by me, aka the chicken in this story). But more and more, I realize that my first novel is really the chicken. Huh? If you already follow my blog, I’ve discussed this issue in several posts. Last spring, I created this blog because I realized that I need Read more…

Creating your own Graphics in PowerPoint

I have decided to become a member of the so-called shadow industry of self-publishing. In the past few months, I’ve learned that to be successful at self-publishing, I need to become an entreprenuer and think of writing as a business. It took me a while, but I’ve finally come to the realization that marketing and sales will respresent a big slice of my business activities in the coming years. If we agree to treat writing as business, then we must be concerned with the bottom line. For this reason, it’s good to have a few tricks for doing marketing on Read more…

From Writer to Used Car Saleswoman…

So you want to be a writer, eh? Well, to be successful, writers also have to an editors, book formaters and designers, relatable personalities, bloggers, content designers, marketers and salespeople…Sheesh. I just want to write a novel. Why does it have to be so complicated? In today’s publishing world, being a writer is not enough. Writers need a platform and a following…and apparently, they also need to become multi-talented entrepreneurs. The good news is that writers don’t have to wait to get the attention of a publishing house to sell their books. Self-publishing has become widely respected as a way Read more…